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Welcome to our 2022 school year! After a staggered start managing COVID situations at Hawker and across the state I feel we are now hopefully starting to return to normal operations. The first three weeks have been extremely busy as staff have combined face to face teaching with remote learning to students at home and at school. I would like to thank staff, students and parents for their cooperation in this area, where the health of everyone in our community is our top priority. In the fourth week of term we have returned to near full attendance and the benefits for staff and students in the classroom can be seen from this.
I would like to formally welcome the following staff to our school and community and wish them all the best for the coming year:
Kim Adele – teaching in the Special Needs area.
Victoria Barratt – teaching our Year 3 – 6 class.
Sharon Lam – teaching Maths and Science.
Howard Yam – working in the Front Office.
Anna Oakey – SSO in particular in our Special Needs area.
Academic Progress
2021 was a great year for our students and it will be an exciting year to come. Success could be seen at all year levels, from Foundation to Year 12. It was great to see that our two year 12s finished off well with Rebekah O’Neill gaining three A- grades and Tiki Bunzeck finishing off her SACE with a B, with the majority of subject results coming from local delivery at Hawker. Our NAPLAN results in 2021 were also pleasing after a two year wait. Across all the year levels we had instances of students who performed at personally high levels, showing improvement on previous NAPLAN results or achievement to the Higher Band level indicating performance well above the Standard of Educational Achievement or SEA for that year level.
Our Junior Primary students, just beginning their educational journey also excelled, improving greatly with their reading. Our Year 1s underwent the Phonics Screening check with all students performing really well, demonstrating a really good understanding of Pseudo and Real words and the sounds associated with them. The Junior Primary students also performed well with their Phonological Awareness Skill Mapping, which is conducted once a term and tests students on their basic identification of sounds associated with syllables, rhymes and the ability to identify sound segments in words.
School Sport Events
Hawker Area School has affiliated this year with our SAPSASA region and School Sport SA. Through these organisations and other individual sports the school may have the opportunity to send students to different sports events or join other schools as a part of combined teams.
Through SAPSASA we can enter students in Year 4-6 competitions, and also through School Sport SA there are opportunities at the 7-8 and 9-10 levels. Some sports are team based and others give opportunities to students at the more small team or individual levels, such as Golf, Cross Country and various bike events. This year the school will have a policy of giving students the opportunity to participate in sports events in three different ways:
- On the individual level where permitted. This would require support from parents.
- Small teams – some sports events required teams of two to four competitors eg Golf, Bowls, and if it suits the background and interest of local students participation can occur.
- Combined teams with other schools in our region, once again dependent on numbers and needs of different schools.
Most events only require a small fee for participation, along with adult supervision, at times this may be a volunteer parent in cases of individual competitors, or teachers, this may be a relief teacher to enable the continuation of our teaching and learning at the school. To assist interested parents with identifying sports and events that may be of interest information on the different sports can be found on the School Sports event page.
Click here to View - Edu SCHOOL SPORTS EVENT PAGE
Not all sporting organisations and events register on this page, so other opportunities this year will come for instance with our Hotshots Tennis event which the school attended in Port Augusta in 2020.
As the term progresses restrictions will progressively start to ease, but for the moment Secondary students are still required to wear facemasks in class and Year 3-6 students are encouraged to do so as well. Staff are still also restricted from meeting in confined situations or larger groups, with online meetings still our only option for meeting and professional learning. However from the start of week 5 (28 February 2022) here are some of the activities that can resume:
- Day excursions (indoors and outdoors) and incursions (held outdoors where possible).
- Interschool sporting competitions.
- Instrumental music.
- Work experience and work placements.
- Assemblies that are held outdoors.
There will also be a greater list of people who can now visit the school including instrumental music teachers and volunteers required by the school.
As a result of these restrictions a number of events have been delayed but we are hopeful of resuming these in the next few weeks including:
- Governing Council and Parents and Friends AGM.
- Student – Parent – Teacher interviews and goal setting.
As always I can be contacted at the school through our Front Office on 86484003 or via my email address for any questions.
Mr Daren O'Neill
Welcome to 2022, I am Penny McCulloch, the class teacher for the Junior Primary class and am excited to be part of a team working with parents/guardians, students and work colleagues. Its week 3 in the Junior Primary Class and we are making the best of an unsettled time, with less than half the class at school this week. However, I would like to welcome our new students this year being Eliza, Pip, Ryan, Logan and Karl from the Kindergarten and Melody, Roy and Hiram, who have joined us from Port Augusta. I’d also like to welcome all the wonderful students from last year back into the classroom, of which all have progressed into another year level.
This year I am teaching English, Maths and Art in the Junior Primary class.
In English, we do the Read, Write Inc program, phonological awareness and hand writing daily. We practice oral language in the form of sharing, class discussions and discussions in pairs. For writing, we are doing recounts of the weekend and then moving onto narrative and procedure writing. In Maths this term, we are extending number knowledge and learning about measurement. During Art, we are exploring print making techniques.
I am teaching Art in the Upper Primary class and the year 7 to 10s in Secondary School. This term we are exploring print making techniques, along with some artists that use this medium. We will be using drawing techniques to use as a means to express ideas, stories and oneself. The students will investigate a range of art movements and the influence it has had on different cultures and societies.
Ms Penolope McCulloch
Foundation - Yr 2 Teacher
Hi, I am Victoria Barratt and this year I am teaching the 3 – 6 class this year.
I am originally from Whyalla but began my teaching career, 6 years ago in Townsville, Queensland. Since then, I have taught multiple subjects in different primary schools as well as year 9 maths and science.
This is my second year teaching in a small country school and so far I am thoroughly enjoying myself in Hawker. Everyone has made me feel very welcome and the children have been awesome to work with, despite the rocky start to the year. I have moved down here with just myself and my cat, Agatha, and my chicken Chookita but I do have a daughter who lives in Whyalla.
When I am not teaching, I can usually be found with my head stuck in a book or out and about trying to improve my photography skills, and I have certainly picked a stunning backdrop to work on this hobby.
This term in Maths the year 3/4s have been looking at addition and place value. Once that is completed, we will be moving onto time.
The English unit, for term one, is looking at persuasive language. We are also reading Charlie and the Chocolate factory and will watch the movie at the end of the term and compare the book with the movie.
In Health the 3-6s are looking at Identity and Inclusivity. This will focus on looking at the things that make us unique and different and how we can accept and include those who are different to ourselves.
In Science this term we are focusing on physics. The year 3/4s are looking at heat and how it moves. We are then moving onto push/pull forces. The year 5/6s are looking at the properties and behaviour of light and following that, they will be looking at electricity and electrical currents.
Karmy Couthard will be joining us once a week and teaching us about the language and culture of the Adnamatna people. So far, these lessons have been quite fun, and we are all looking forward to the next ones.
This term we are also hoping to get out in the garden and make that more compatible with the foods we will be cooking in Home Economics. This will involve some planning and hands on gardening.
So far it has been fantastic meeting all the students in my class. I look forward to getting to know them better and watching them grow as the year goes on.
Miss Victoria Barratt
Year 3-6 Teacher
Hello and welcome to the start of another year. It’s been a bit weird, but we are all settling in and getting some work done.
English 7-10
English this term has been split into two groups for the secondary class. The Year 7 and 8 students have been focusing on literary devices and proof reading. This is background work for a unit that will focus on essay writing. We will finish the term with poetry, just for some light entertainment!
The Year 9 and 10 students have begun the year with a novel study. We are looking at Divergent by Veronica Roth, which explores themes of resilience, perseverance and friendship. Once reading is finished we will view the movie and then complete a comparative essay comparing the book and the movie. At the end of the term the Year 9 and 10 students will join with the Year 7’s and 8’s for some poetry.
HASS 7-10
As with English, we are working on different topics in different groups this term.
The Year 7 and 8 students are focusing on human migration, early civilizations and will move into a case study of Ancient Egypt. We have also been looking at historical skills and the work of historians and archaeologists.
The older students are focusing on the Industrial Revolution, which will lead us into WW1. At the moment students are learning about child labour and completing diary entries from the perspective of a child working in a factory in Victorian England.
English 5-6
After a bit of an unusual start with a combination of online and in-class learning, the Year 5/6 class has begun to learn about writing a persuasive text. We are looking at the language devices used, and the vocabulary that is used to write persuasively. We are also focusing on spelling some tricky words, and spending quite a bit of time reading each week.
HASS 5-6
The Year 5/6 students are completing a history unit of work on Mongolia this term. They are all fascinated in particular with Mongolian war methods, so I apologize if this has been the topic of discussion at the dinner table! The assessment task for this unit will be a ‘Khan-Trast’ where students will compare the leadership skills of Genghis Khan and his grandson Kublai.
Mrs Sharon Bates
Year 7-12 Teacher / HPE Coordinator
I am looking forward to working with S.W.AN. again this year and improving myself to make a difference. In the early part of this term I am particularly working on developing an excellent schedule and program that is clear for students, teachers and SSOs.
Knowing about what and how to teach is the heart of any teaching but particularly important to S.W.A.N.
What will my student work for? Such an integral question! If I know what motivates an individual student then I can get them to work and strive for what they want.
As well as being a S.W.A.N. teacher in 2022 I am supporting Karmy Coulthard teaching Yura Muda in F-2 class, teaching two science lessons in F-2 and returning to Read Write Inc as a teacher for our upper groups.
I am so motivated to see where 2022 leads and to give it a terrific nudge!!
Best wishes to you all for the year ahead.
Mrs Amanda Hilder
SWAN / Science / Yura Muda
Hello, my name’s Sharon Lam and I am the new Mathematics, Science and Physical Education teacher at Hawker Area School. I graduated from the University of Adelaide with Master of Teaching degree last year, so 2022 is my first year of teaching. I am excited about working as a teacher at Hawker Area School this year.
In 2022, I will be teaching Years 5-6 Mathematics, Years 7-10 Mathematics/ Science, Year 11 Essential Mathematics, F-2 PE and Years 3-6 PE. This term, I plan to utilize Microsoft Office in teaching students STEM, considering it transmits educational materials and practice systematically in school. To better implement technology into the classroom, students will be conducting experiments using a virtual laboratory. For example, in the past three weeks, students had been exploring the chemical properties of acids and bases with the online interactive simulation. In Mathematics, I have been utilizing Class Notebook from Microsoft Teams to keep track of students’ progress. Through giving in-time feedback, students have a better opportunity in developing numeracal skills. For Physical Education, I will focus on coordination and group games to support students’ neurological and social skill developments.
Miss Sharon Lam
Mathematics / Science Teacher
I’m Kim Adele. I am working with the students with additional needs and teaching Year 7-10 Home Economics and Health and Physical Education. What an awesome welcome to the team and I am enjoying working with everyone at Hawker Area School.
I have come from Warracknabeal in North Western Victoria about an hour over the border where I worked as a SWAN teacher 3 days a week and lived in Adelaide the other 4 days a week. I have completed a Masters in Special and Inclusive Education and love working with the students with additional needs.
I have 5 amazing adult children who all live in Melbourne and are awesome (I am a bit biased as I’m one proud mumma).
I love the outdoors and look forward to exploring the Flinders and thank everyone for the amazing welcome to Hawker.
The SWAN Team
This year has seen some changes with the work happening with the students with additional needs. Kim has joined the staff and the SSO’s that work with the students have come together to create an awesome team who from now on will be known as the SWAN team. The team have started off 2022 with a new space, new structures and have started to settle in. We started the term with working on schedules and developing a program and routine that meets the learning needs of the students. In the SWAN room we have started working on writing our name, letter recognition and counting. We are also having fun with Science, Art, Music and all the new equipment that is shaping our learning. The students have been working hard and creating some awesome work (see below).
This term we will also be starting an exploration of ‘We Are Going On a Bear Hunt’ through the various curriculum learning areas, so there will be lots more funky work being produced.
Big shout out to the team for the amazing work happening in the SWAN room and the way we are working together to create awesome learning experiences.
Kim Adele
SWAN Teacher
Hello, my name’s Howard and I am the new SSO at Hawker Area School. You will see me working in the front office every Monday, Thursday and Friday. I check students’ attendance and contact parents to ensure all staff are on track of the daily affairs at school. I am on my Learner’s License now, and hopefully will get my driver license this year.
Mr Howard Yam
School Services Officer
We have a library blog called Caught Between the Covers.
I use the phrase Caught Between the Covers because I believe reading is so important for all. I want to catch children reading, i.e., caught between the covers of a book. The following article gives reasons why reading is so important, not just for children, but for all of us.
Why reading is so important
It helps your imagination
By reading, you are exposed to so many wonderful things. This helps your imagination when it comes to creating and thinking. By reading, you are painting those pictures of the story in your mind. Books can take you anywhere you want to go.
Focus and Concentration
When you are reading, you are focusing and concentrating on one thing. By sitting still and reading, you are training your body/mind and your child’s too slow down, relax, and focus on what you are reading. This helps you/your child focus and concentrate on other activities because you are used to doing it.
Reading Improves your memory
When you read a book, you are taking in all that the book is about. People, places, things… When you read you are using your memory muscle which lies in the Cerebrum part of your brain. Using this muscle helps your memory long term.
Reading helps with communication
Reading to your children helps build a bond and open up communication. It’s always important to be able to talk with your kids especially when they get into their teenage years. Start reading to them and communicating when they are young, so they have that connection and comfort with talking to you.
Reading is the best cheap or free entertainment you can get. Love your library and any bookseller, because these books can open up the world you might never have imagined.
Nurturing and one-on-one attention from parents during reading encourages children to form a positive association with books and reading. Also, goes with #4 above – Communication. Reading to your children is another way of showing them, love.
Language Development
Babies and children learn to talk by hearing words. The more they hear, the more likely they are to talk and understand what’s being said. Your child’s language skills and literacy depend on you talking and reading to them. Now doesn’t that sound important?!
Cheap or Free Education
Reading a book for something that you want to learn about saves you so much money. We all know how expensive taking classes can be, so why not spend time reading about it instead. You can teach yourself with specific books. Same goes for children. If they are interested in learning about rainbows, they can read books about weather. Or you can read to them. Supplying a variety of books to your children will pique their interests and get them learning even more.
Fluency is defined as the ability to read with speed, accuracy, and expression. Powerful and effective language. The more you read, the more fluent you become. Very important for children and adults.
Reading makes you smarter
We know it’s been proven that reading makes you smarter. Readers display greater knowledge of how things work, vocabulary, and language development, as well as information on people, places, and things. Reading Rocks!!!
This article mentions The Read-Aloud Handbook by Jim Trelease. If you are interested in reading this book, there are copies in the One Card Network libraries system. You can put it on hold yourself or you can ask us to do this for you. There is also an ebook available through the Libby app.
It also mentions the book, Reading Magic by Mem Fox. There are hard copies of this title that can be borrowed from other libraries. Once again, you can put this on hold yourself or we can do it for you.
To complete the challenge, students need:
- To read 12 books from the start of the school year until the end of week 7, term 3 (Friday September 9, 2022)
- To record the titles or authors of the books they read on their Student Reading Record for their year level. Teachers or parents/grandparents/aunts/uncles can help fill these out.
- To ask their teacher, teacher/librarian, or parent/grandparent etc., to sign each entry on the Student Reading Record to show that the student has read (or shared in the reading of) a book at an appropriate literacy level and that the book title and author are accurate.
Class teachers have been given the information and Student Reading Records. Check in with them if you want to find out how it is working for your child this year.
HASS - History and Social Sciences F-4
- a sense of wonder, curiosity and respect about places, people, cultures and systems throughout the world, past and present, and an interest in and enjoyment of the study of these phenomena
- key historical, geographical, civic and economic knowledge of people, places, values and systems, past and present, in local to global contexts
- an understanding and appreciation of historical developments, geographic phenomena, civic values and economic factors that shape society, influence sustainability and create a sense of belonging
- the capacity to use inquiry methods and skills, including questioning, researching using reliable sources, analysing, evaluating and communicating
- dispositions required for effective participation in everyday life, now and in the future, including critical and creative problem-solving, informed decision making, responsible and active citizenship, enterprising financial behaviour and ethical reflection.
Mrs Ailsa Green Teacher Librarian and Ms Rosie Luckraft CLA